Modern production technologies involve the use of certain equipment. In recent years, manufacturing companies have begun using 3D scanners for reverse engineering.
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Definition of reverse engineering
What is reverse engineering? For many years, products were created without the necessary set of documentation. Masters were guided by their experience and knowledge. After some time, programs for creating drawings and three-dimensional models appeared. Reverse engineering is the process of creating technical documentation by scanning a part with special equipment. The digital model can be opened in CAD or other software. This is done to optimize parameters and add new features. In the virtual space, it is possible to conduct tests that would be very expensive in practice and would not lead to a result.
Reverse engineering has also become popular due to the growing popularity of 3D printing. This technology greatly simplifies the process and reduces the cost of the product. Today, production using 3D printing is available to everyone, it is enough to purchase the appropriate printer and install the appropriate software on the computer.
In the industrial sector, the development of various programs in the field of reverse engineering is in great demand. At the same time, software reverse engineering should always be done legally. Software reverse engineering is a detailed study of a specific computer device, program, principles of its operation, in order to reproduce and carry out work on the object under study, without exact copying.
The concept of reverse engineering
The reverse engineering method in software involves the study of any closed source program using software in the form of:
- decompilers;
- disassemblers;
- unpackers;
- debuggers.
This reverse method allows you to fully study the structure and functions of any technological process. In the Russian Federation, the current legislation provides for the protection of:
- personal information data;
- copyright;
- privacy of electronic communications;
- trade secret.
In addition, the EU Directive on the legal protection of computer programs, as well as the user agreement (EULA), is widely used.
Reverse engineering allows you to analyze the machine code of a program. This allows you to compose the desired pseudocode algorithm and create a new driver of your own production. The copied converted new program helps to avoid claims from the copyright holders of the original version.
Such a modification contributes to writing a key generator, obtaining a security key and server exchange protocol information.
Criteria of choice
There are many different types of 3d scanner for reverse engineering on the market. Their selection is based on several criteria:
- Detail accuracy.
- Principle of operation.
- Compatibility with certain software.
- Price.
The choice of the scanner is also carried out according to the tasks. Scanning can be performed on parts of different sizes and geometries. Universal devices are expensive and require more professionalism.
Time-of-flight scanners were created to work with large case products, the size of which exceeds 10,000 mm on any side. Handheld models with structured illumination are used to scan small objects. If the object has dimensions up to 3000 mm, portable models are used. They are laser and optical type. Laser scanners are the easiest to use, as optical ones require proper preparation.
Small items are best scanned with optical portable devices. Universal options are equipped with a multi-axis rotary platform. It copes well with scanning the relief surface represented by various materials.
There are many dental scanners on the market. The devices are characterized by high accuracy, allow you to get detailed images for the formation of the model.
Applicable software
The field of 3D design and modeling has evolved over the years with reverse engineering 3d scanner. The software was created by many companies. At the same time, some became in demand, others are no longer supported. Recently, developers have been trying to support various file formats as handheld 3d scanner reverse engineering. To do this, we made the import and export functions.
There are several programs that are most popular. They are the following:
- Geomagic Essentials. A partner product of a company that produces equipment for automatic design upon receipt of the necessary data. The software allows you to work with images obtained using Shining 3D EinScan Pro 2x. The software allows you to work with data that is obtained when scanning premises or products. The functionality includes obtaining a cross section, restoring the mesh and fitting elements to simulate the assembly process.
- Geomagic Desing X. Professional software used to work with scans for further design. The functionality allows you to work with solid objects, emit the connection of individual elements.
- Autodesk Meshmixer. Popular software with a large set of tools. It is able to independently process the received images to form a grid. The advantages include a clear interface and a large number of patches.
When choosing a scanner, the possibility of using one of the above programs is taken into account. This is due to the fact that sometimes after scanning a document is obtained in a rare resolution.

Helen’s passion is 3D Technology. She always loved hi-tech but 3D Reality was something that she never thought of before. She attended the first course on 3D printing technology and she was immediately fascinated by it.